Javascript add options to select tag

Posted: seregaborzov Date of post: 02.06.2017

To add a new option to it, with the text "Text 1" displaying in the drop down box, and the value "Value1" being what would be submitted from the form, do this:.

javascript - append option to select menu? - Stack Overflow

If you had an object that you wanted to use the property name as the value for the options, and the property value as the text to display, you could do this:. Note that while the above is an object, it's often referred to incorrectly as an associative array, even though technically it is not.

javascript add options to select tag

It can be accessed as an object e. ValueA, or like an array would be e.

To reset the select box so it no longer has any options, set the length of the options property to zero like so:. And finally, here's all of the above in action.

Dynamically Adding OPTIONS to SELECT - JavaScript sample code - developer Fusion

If you are reading this in a feed reader the Javascript may not work. If it doesn't then click through to this post in a web browser.

javascript add options to select tag

Friday's post will look at how to add a language selection drop down box in FCKEditor, using the way of populating a select drop down box with Javascript from an array as shown in this post. The HTML The example select box is initially unpopulated and the HTML for it looks like this: Contact - Copyright Info - Privacy Policy.

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