Fxcop 10 command line options

Posted: maratzabbarov Date of post: 10.06.2017

This article is the third in a series of articles on developing with IronPython. The other articles are:. A much more complete introduction to developing with IronPython is my book: A frequent question on the IronPython mailing list is "what IDE should I use with IronPython?

NET developers the question is phrased slightly differently, "how do I use IronPython in Visual Studio? In this article we'll look at using IronPython in Visual Studio and some other popular IDEs, and we'll also be looking at some standard tools for working with IronPython.

At the time of writing the latest version of IronPython was 2. At that point some of the tools we're exploring here will switch to using them and will gain advanced features that we expect in modern development environments. I'll update this article as time permits when these tools, or IronPython itself, develops. Visual Studio doesn't ship with any IronPython support by default. The easiest way of getting IronPython support into Visual Studio is through IronPython Studio.

IronPython Studio is an open source sample of using the Visual Studio Shell VSx to extend Visual Studio; more on that word 'sample' later. You can either install it as extension of Visual Studio professional or as a standalone IDE.

To install it into Visual Studio you need the Integrated setup download, which is an msi installer. This will be the version I demonstrate. To use it as a standalone IDE you need the Isolated setup installer and you need to install the Visual Studio Shell Isolated Mode Redistributable. Once you have IronPython Studio installed, assuming you are using the version integrated with Visual Studio, you will see some extra options when you go to create a new project.

After installing IronPython Studio none of the IronPython related features worked in Visual Studio Beta. Both Windows and WPF applications have designers with IronPython support. All of the projects compile to binaries which include the IronPython binaries. Here's the rub though; IronPython Studio is built with IronPython 1, and in fact uses a static compilation feature of IronPython 1 that isn't available in IronPython 2.

IronPython 1 is ooooold IronPython Studio uses a feature of IronPython 1 called CodeDom support. This feature was always fragile and was removed altogether in IronPython 2. This means that a straight port of IronPython Studio to use IronPython 2 isn't possible.

Once you have created your projects you can add references and use the Windows Forms or WPF designers in the expected way. References you add don't appear as clr. AddReference calls but instead are compiled into the binaries that are produced when you build your project. Unfortunately because of the way the designers create code from your Windows Forms or WPF creations you can't take your generated code and just run it with IronPython 2.

The generated code needs several modifications adding imports and manually adding references for starters. Making changes to generated code is bad as any further changes you make in the designer will then interfere with what you've done.

My preference for using Windows Forms and WPF designers with IronPython is to use the normal C designers and produce classes and XAML that can then easily be used from IronPython, subclassing them to implement needed functionality in Python.

The fact that using classes written or generated in C is so easy from IronPython is one of its best qualities. Whilst you're editing Python files you get syntax highlighting and a very limited form of intellisense; so limited that it doesn't even offer members on the.

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The intellisense only works with the builtin types and keywords. It does offer intellisense on your own Python classes within the file that they are defined in, but not on classes that you import from other modules even if they are part of the same project.

You don't get auto-indent when creating methods etc which is considered a pretty basic IDE feature in the Python world. The autocomplete is too aggressive, I often have to go back and correct what it has added and on occasion it corrects my corrections. Actually I find this to be a general problem with Visual Studio but it is much worse with IronPython Studio where you don't have the type declarations to limit the range of options.

It is a nice trick to be able to compile binary applications from the IDE, but it is possible to do that with IronPython 2 using Pyc or embedding the IronPython engine in a stub executable.

The designers also proved unreliable for me in practise, crashing regularly. IronPython Studio seems to behave very much like a 'sample', a great example of extending Visual Studio but not a production ready IDE for regular use. Since its release there have been no updates to IronPython Studio nor any response to bug reports or corrections of errors in documentation.

Although I don't recommend using it for creating projects that are mainly Python, the syntax highlighting is nice when you are adding Python files to a mainly C project. IronPython Studio allows you to debug IronPython code.

The project has to be compilable and capable of running under IronPython 1 but you can set break points and inspect the local variables and the call stack and so on.

Looking at Python objects is slightly odd as they are not standard. The debugging experience is pretty impressive but its usefulness is severely limited by only working with IronPython 1. By default setting break points in Python code doesn't work, but you can call System. Break which invokes the debugger. If you use a debug build of IronPython this dumps you into the DLR internals where it is possible to navigate your way around the code, but it is not ideal.

If you don't use a debug build of IronPython then the debugger will simply stop on the line of code that invokes the IronPython engine and won't allow you into the Python code itself. If you would like to see better IronPython integration in Visual Studio please vote for and comment on this Microsoft Connect feedback item: IronPython Integration in Visual Studio Instead there are two ways to do it, both of which do allow you to set breakpoints in Python code and rely on running IronPython in debug mode and not requiring a debug build of IronPython.

The second way is for when you are embedding the IronPython engine. You need to set the "Debug" flag in the options you create the engine with:. The debug experience look at locals and call stack isn't as nice as with IronPython Studio but it works. An alternative way of getting IronPython support into Visual Studio is through the ASP. NET Futures Dynamic Languages Support. The current version targets IronPython 2. Dave Fugate describes it as having " fewer features and fewer bugs ". Another option for getting IronPython into Visual Studio is the Visual Studio SDK.

This works with Visual Studio or but again needs Visual Studio professional rather than Visual Studio Express. Once the SDK is installed you have the option of starting Visual Studio under the 'Experimental Hive'.

This provides similar functionality to IronPython Studio including designer support and the ability to compile binaries. Like IronPython Studio it uses IronPython 1. Visual Studio is the pound gorilla in the world of Windows IDEs. It is a great shame that its IronPython support is so poor. IronPython Studio is not a production quality IDE and is awkward to use even when integrated into Visual Studio.

For anything other than small Python projects using Visual Studio as your main Python IDE will be a painful experience. The IronPython team are aware of this and are working on changing the situation! It isn't all bad news however. Debugging IronPython code in Visual Studio is possible, and IronPython Studio helps with this if you are able to use it. Using C in IronPython projects is so simple that there is no need to have designers that directly generate IronPython code.

In addition, although not suitable for large projects, if all you are doing is including small amounts of Python in a mainly C project then you will probably find using IronPython Studio bearable. SharpDevelop is an open source. NET IDE for Windows. An early version of SharpDevelop was forked by the Mono team and used as the basis for MonoDevelop, the cross platform Mono IDE. MonoDevelop was forked from SharpDevelop long before the support for IronPython was added.

Unfortunately there is little to no IronPython support in MonoDevelop. SharpDevelop distinguishes itself from Visual Studio by the range of languages and external tools it supports.

If you start SharpDevelop and create a new project you will see the options to create a new Python project. Like IronPython Studio SharpDevelop 3. Unlike IronPython Studio it uses IronPython 2. At the time of writing, before IronPython 2. Removing the references to IronPython from the Python project and then manually adding a reference to IronPython 2. However if you don't need SharpDevelop to compile your projects then it is perfectly possible to use SharpDevelop as an IDE for developing projects for a different version of IronPython.

There is support for changing the version used for debugging, which we'll get to shortly. The designer is a work in progress with some, relatively minor, limitations.

When editing Python files you get syntax highlighting but there is no intellisense for Python at all, not even for builtin types or classes you build yourself. There is also no auto-indent or dedent at points when you would expect it, for example when you define a function or start a conditional.

When you build a Python project with SharpDevelop it compiles it to an executable, how cool is that! The compiled binary, or binaries if you have separate class libraries as part of the solution, still depend on IronPython so the four assemblies that are part of IronPython 2 live alongside the executable.

As an added bonus SharpDevelop includes a novel feature for working with IronPython; code conversion.

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The tools menu item has a 'Convert code to' allowing C and VB. NET projects to be converted to IronPython. The code conversion is limited to converting classes so it will not convert an arbitary piece of code that is not inside a class. SharpDevelop's debugger can debug IronPython code.

You can set breakpoints in your Python code and the debugger is pretty good. There is an the marriage of a young stockbroker movie way of debugging that also allows you to debug with a different version of IronPython. You then need to set some command line options to start IronPython with -D so that it generates the necessary debugging information. In the Start Options add the following command line arguments, changing the name of your main file as required:.

If you do this then you need to explicitly add references to the. NET assemblies you use except for System which is included by default using clr. Overall excellent support for IronPython, especially when compared to Visual Studio. SharpDevelop does however fall down when compared to more specific Python IDEs; lacking features like intellisense, calltips and even Python oriented auto-indent.

These features are ones that I consider essential for general development but I will be keeping a careful eye on how SharpDevelop progresses. Even though I total money makeover book by dave ramsey use it as my main IDE I am keeping it installed so I can use the debugger when I need it.

The Wing IDE by Wingware is my favourite Python IDE and I use it for IronPython as well. Wing is a commercial IDE and I use Wing IDE Professional. A huge number of standard editor features including Visual Studio, Vim and Emacs keyboard personalities:. Because Wing analyses Python code to provide its intellisense it doesn't know anything about. Wing comes with a script that generates long term graph of stock market. With these in place you get intellisense and calltips for.

NET libraries are hugeso generating PI files for all of them puts a strain on the Wing sourcecode analyser. In practise I've found twelve sky 2 get money v. 2.0.1 generating PI files for the namespaces I use most frequently, which amounts to over 20mb of PI files! As you move through the autocomplete options for. NET types the docstrings pulled from the XML documentation by IronPython for.

NET types and methods are shown in the source assistant in the toolbar to the right, along with the call signature and return type.

Wing understands the return type, so you get intellisense on values returned by calling. In some ways this works better than the type inferencing of Python code, which is one of the advantages of static typing.

There are some limitations to this at the moment it doesn't provide these calltips for properties but it is still how to make money under the table while unemployed useful.

The disadvantage of Wing is that it isn't integrated with the. This means no Windows Forms designer winoptions binary options terms and conditions the very powerful Python debugger that comes with Wing only works for CPython and not IronPython.

Fxcop 10 command line options integrated test runner tool doesn't work with IronPython tests. You can configure the Python executable associated with a project.

Switching the executable away from a standard Python interpreter and to the IronPython executable does allow you to run files with IronPython from the Wing user interface at the cost of breaking the integrated Python shell, which doesn't work with IronPython.

This isn't a worthwhile trade-off in my opinion. Fortunately extending Wing to add new tools is very easy through its scripting API. Scripts to run the current file with IronPython or run the tests associated with a file are simple to create. NET intellisense and a Wing script for running the current file with IronPython. Wing includes a standard set of scripts, including integration with PyLint, a code quality checking tool which is extremely powerful but notoriously fiddly best binary options strategy ever configure.

For debugging IronPython code you will get free farm cash farmville 2 to use a separate tool, like pdb.

This hasn't been sks tactical accessories canada priority for me as practises like Test Driven Development, where you have unit tests that exercise small units of your code independently with virtually full coverage, greatly reduce the number of times that you need a debugger.

It is something I have missed on occasions though. Unlike the IDEs we've been looking at so far, Wing is a great Python IDE. Wing has the advantage of being cross-platform and can be used for working with IronPython and Mono on Mac OS X or Linux.

Wing is also useful for both CPython and IronPython. The scripting API is one of the killer features of Wing, it is very easy to extend in Python of course and integrate new tools. The intellisense and source assistant are its other killer feature and I find fxcop 10 command line options Subversion integration, code browser and project browsers invaluable too.

Unlike Visual Studio Wing isn't opinionated about how your project should be laid out, which makes it less of a pain to use with existing code. By being a Python IDE rather than a.

NET IDE there are features missing, especially designer and debugger support, and although the intellisense is very good it requires running an external tool on libraries you are using with IronPython. As few of the other IDEs have this feature at all, and there are other ways of getting a designer I use Visual Studio Express generating C for this and debugger, Wing is my preferred IDE for IronPython development.

Automatic signals binary option is the well known Java IDE. PyDev free and open source adds Python support to Eclipse. The PyDev Extensions improve the level of Python support and add IronPython support. There is a thirty day trial period for the extensions. The PyDev extensions were made open-source on the 4th September and are japan stock market 2016s free!

Setting up your first IronPython project from scratch with Eclipse and PyDev is simple but involves quite a few steps. Download the Eclipse IDEalong with the Java Runtime Environment JRE if you don't already have it installed.

After selecting -- All available sites -- you will then have the option of installing PyDev and PyDev extensions:. Eclipse with PyDev has intellisense for Python objects trigger with ctrl-space and standard IDE features like goto-definition. Eclipse also has refactoring tools that aren't in Wing, plus it has automatic snippets it automatically adds the parentheses and self parameter as you define a method for example and it fills in your import statements which is nice but takes some getting used to.

Amazingly PyDev has intellisense for. It does this using reflection, so when you first trigger it for a type you haven't used before it can block for a few seconds whilst it gets the list of members. It only works for assemblies that contain a namespace with the same name, which is thankfully most.

NET reflection this is how the Python dir function works in IronPythonwhich can be slooow for types it hasn't seen before. Bringing up the intellisense options can sometimes cause a delay. PyDev also has some integrated code quality tools and can warn you about things like unused ea forex robot reviews. There is an integrated Python shell, and when working on an IronPython project the shell is an IronPython shell using the interpreter you configured for the project.

Debugging IronPython code with PyDev doesn't work at the time of writing. This will be added once the debugging Fx rates rmb usd like sys.

As with Wing features like designers, and for the moment debugging, will have to be done with external tools. In many ways Eclipse and PyDev has the most telugu data entry operator jobs working from home in bangalore IronPython integration of all the IDEs we have looked at.

It is a capable Python editor and the added features for IronPython are built very naturally on top of this. If I wasn't so familiar with Wing I might be tempted to switch. Scripting Eclipse is more complex than Wing, and it is more opinionated about third quarter stock market performance like project layout, but having an IronPython shell builtin is a nice feature.

It is at least slightly ironic that the largest Java IDE has better support for developing in a. NET language than Visual Studio. For Python developers it is common to not use a heavyweight IDE but to use a programmers text editor.

Vim and Emacs are both particularly popular in the dynamic languages community; lightweight tools for lightweight languages. These editors are easy to extend and integrate tools into, so support for code completion, debugging, refactoring and so on are usually available via plugins.

I haven't used it myself, but it looks like at least some people are using At the end of the binary options trade with IronPython. Here's an email from the IronPython mailing list providing auto-complete for Windows Forms: There is also at least one IronPython specific editor being developed: Davy's IronPython Editor DIE. It is very young and lacks features like intellisense but is worth keeping an eye on.

Another project to watch is the Pyjama Projectwhich is the creation of the Institute for Personal Robots in Education. The project includes their own DLR based language, Pyjama Schemeand an editor for DLR languages including IronPython. Whilst programming it is rare that an IDE is the only tool in their toolbox, and if it is then you are seriously missing out.

For Python developers, using editors like Wing, Vim or Emacs, it is normal to plugin external tools for use during development. For example if you are interested in testing the Python Testing Tools Taxonomy has over 80 to choose from. Here are some of the tools, many of them well known by Python developers, you should consider using with IronPython. After this introduction the first isn't a Python tool but a Windows one. Windbg Windbag is a Windows debugger and with the SOS extensions it can be used with.

At Resolver Systems we've used it for tracking memory leaks. Kamil Dworakowski, a Resolver One developer, has written up how to use it along with a couple of helper scripts for analysing heap dumps:. One of the advantages of statically typed languages like C have over dynamic languages is that tools can deterministically follow code paths.

With dynamic dispatch this is much harder as just about everything can be overridden, and many facts particularly the type of objects aren't known until runtime. Despite this there comparison of the stock market crashes a lot that can be known be trading hours futures statically analysing python code and there are several tools for doing this with Python.

Depending on which you use, and how you configure them, they are capable of performing many of the standard checks unused variables, misspelled or undefined variables and members and so on that you expect from statically typed languages. I've used both PyFlakes and PyLint with IronPython code. They statically analyse code, so although they run under CPython they work fine on code written to run under IronPython. At Resolver Systems we have a build step that runs a comprehensive set of checks over our whole codebase with PyLint.

This takes a while to run, so we also plug PyFlakes into our editors to check files either on every save or before running tests. There is also another tool, called pyntch, the "Python Type Checker", which analyses program control flow and claims to detect type errors in Python code.

I haven't tried it, but it looks like an interesting addition to the range of Python code quality tools:. The standard Python debugger is pdb. This uses Python stack frames and sys. Dino Veihland explains the difference between the two options:. FullFrames promotes all local variables into the heap. Frames only creates the frame objects and if something happens to make us promote local variables e. Unfortunately the two features of Pdb that I use the most, pdb. To support these a new command line option is being added that generates the necessary tracing code, -X: Tracing, and will be supported in a future release i.

Pdb isn't the only option for debugging with IronPython. Harry Piersonthe IronPython program manager at Microsoft, has been working on an IronPython debugger tool based on the. You can read about the tool, both what it can do and how Harry developed it, in a series of blog entries he wrote:. To support the new APIs in IronPython 2. From inside IronPython code you would normally use its features through the Python APIs in the sys module.

The support it provides can also be used directly from Cwhich is useful when you are embedding IronPython. Harry Pierson has another blog entry describing the new DLR debugger:. The standard tool for measuring code coverage in Python is called coverage. It monitors your program, noting which parts of the code have been executed, then analyzes the source to identify code that could have been executed but was not.

Coverage measurement is typically used to gauge the effectiveness of tests. It can show which parts of your product code are being exercised by tests, and which are not. Again it uses the sys module APIs only available in IronPython 2. I haven't tried it with IronPython, but if it doesn't work then it is a bug in IronPython that should be reported It isn't the only way of getting code coverage information from IronPython.

Another new feature in IronPython 2. Not only can this be used for performance profiling of IronPython code but it can also be used code coverage. Curt Hagenlocher, a core IronPython developer, explains how to use it in two blog entries:.

As I practise Test Driven Development code coverage isn't often a metric I'm interested in, so I don't have much experience of working with the coverage tools here. For profiling Python does include a standard tool in the form of the profile module. Again these may work with IronPython 2. The pure-Python alternative implementation has a high overhead and will interfere with the results, which is particularly bad in a profiler. For profiling IronPython it is probably wise to stick with the IronPython profiler or see if.

NET tools can be adapted to work with IronPython. Two tools for automatic refactoring of Python code. It shouldn't be necessary to run these with IronPython to use them on IronPython code but I haven't tried either of them. Rope is a relatively new-kid-on-the-block, but Bicycle Repair Man has been around for years and if you are using a popular Python IDE then someone has probably already written a script to integrate it.

For measuring the cyclomatic complexity of Python code you can use the Complexity Analyser by Curt Finch:. The next article in the series is about integrating with the. NET framework; the dark corners of IronPython that previous experience with Python or C alone will not have prepared you for:.

There are plenty of other places to turn for more information on IronPython. Here are a few other suggestions:. Guide to developing Silverlight applications with IronPython. IronPython and Windows Forms. A tutorial series on developing desktop applications with IronPython and the Windows Forms GUI toolkit. Embedding IronPython and the DLR. A series of articles on embedding IronPython and the Dynamic Language Runtime in. For buying techie books, science fiction, computer hardware or the latest gadgets: IronPython in Action is the first English book on IronPython.

It is for Python and. NET programmers interested in making the most of Python on the. NET framework and Mono. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Design by Free CSS Templates. Voidspace The website, technical blog and projects of Michael Foord. Home Blog Book IronPython Python Projects Python Articles Contact. Tools and IDEs Working with IronPython. Contents Introduction IronPython Studio Debugging Visual Studio Visual Studio SDK Experimental Hive Summary SharpDevelop Debugging Summary Wing IDE Summary Eclipse and PyDev Summary Other Editors Other tools Windbg SOS Code Quality Checkers Debugging and the Python Pdb Module Code Coverage and Profiling Refactoring and Complexity Where Next?

Note This article is the third in a series of articles on developing with IronPython. The other articles are: Introduction to IronPython Python for. NET Programmers Dark Corners of IronPython working with. NET A much more complete introduction to developing with IronPython is my book: Introduction A frequent question on the IronPython mailing list is "what IDE should I use with IronPython?

Note At the time of writing the latest version of IronPython was 2. IronPython Studio Visual Studio doesn't ship with any IronPython support by default. Note After installing IronPython Studio none of the IronPython related features worked in Visual Studio Beta.

Note IronPython Studio uses a feature of IronPython 1 called CodeDom support. Note If you would like to see better IronPython integration in Visual Studio please vote for and comment on this Microsoft Connect feedback item: Note An alternative way of getting IronPython support into Visual Studio is through the ASP.

Visual Studio SDK Experimental Hive Another option for getting IronPython into Visual Studio is the Visual Studio SDK. Summary Visual Studio is the pound gorilla in the world of Windows IDEs. Note MonoDevelop was forked from SharpDevelop long before the support for IronPython was added.

Debugging SharpDevelop's debugger can debug IronPython code. Summary Overall excellent support for IronPython, especially when compared to Visual Studio. Wing IDE The Wing IDE by Wingware is my favourite Python IDE and I use it for IronPython as well. Note You can configure the Python executable associated with a project. Summary Unlike the IDEs we've been looking at so far, Wing is a great Python IDE.

Eclipse and PyDev Eclipse is the well known Java IDE. Important The PyDev extensions were made open-source on the 4th September and are now free! Summary In many ways Eclipse and PyDev has the most powerful IronPython integration of all the IDEs we have looked at.

Other Editors For Python developers it is common to not use a heavyweight IDE but to use a programmers text editor. Popular IDEs for Python development include a mix of free and commercial IDEs: Komodo Stani's Python Editor SPE Netbeans and Intellij both have nascent Python support PyCharms is a new IDE for Python from Jetbrains PyScripter Pida Support different Editors like Vim, Medit, Emacs Several of these IDEs are themselves written in Python.

Note I haven't used it myself, but it looks like at least some people are using Komodo with IronPython. Other tools Whilst programming it is rare that an IDE is the only tool in their toolbox, and if it is then you are seriously missing out.

Windbg SOS After this introduction the first isn't a Python tool but a Windows one. Kamil Dworakowski, a Resolver One developer, has written up how to use it along with a couple of helper scripts for analysing heap dumps: Debugging memory problems in an IronPython app. Code Quality Checkers One of the advantages of statically typed languages like C have over dynamic languages is that tools can deterministically follow code paths. There are three popular code quality tools with varying levels of capabilities and speed.

Pylint comprehensive Pyflakes fast Pychecker in between I've used both PyFlakes and PyLint with IronPython code. I haven't tried it, but it looks like an interesting addition to the range of Python code quality tools: Debugging and the Python Pdb Module The standard Python debugger is pdb. Dino Veihland explains the difference between the two options: With frames enables some features of pdb work.

Code Coverage and Profiling The standard tool for measuring code coverage in Python is called coverage. The latest version is 3. It is supported on Python 2.

Curt Hagenlocher, a core IronPython developer, explains how to use it in two blog entries: An IronPython Profiler Profiler Part II: Poor Man's Code Coverage As I practise Test Driven Development code coverage isn't often a metric I'm interested in, so I don't have much experience of working with the coverage tools here. Refactoring and Complexity Two tools for automatic refactoring of Python code. Rope, a python refactoring library Bicycle Repair Man, a Refactoring Tool for Python Rope is a relatively new-kid-on-the-block, but Bicycle Repair Man has been around for years and if you are using a popular Python IDE then someone has probably already written a script to integrate it.

For measuring the cyclomatic complexity of Python code you can use the Complexity Analyser by Curt Finch: NET framework; the dark corners of IronPython that previous experience with Python or C alone will not have prepared you for: Dark Corners of IronPython working with. NET There are plenty of other places to turn for more information on IronPython. Here are a few other suggestions: The IronPython Cookbook A community wiki filled with examples of using IronPython with the.

Guide to developing Silverlight applications with IronPython IronPython and Windows Forms A tutorial series on developing desktop applications with IronPython and the Windows Forms GUI toolkit. Embedding IronPython and the DLR A series of articles on embedding IronPython and the Dynamic Language Runtime in.

IronPython URLs A blog that aggregates articles, news and links on IronPython and the Dynamic Language Runtime. Planet IronPython A collection of blogs from the IronPython community and the Microsoft dynamic languages team. Some quote to make you smile

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