Method delete node binary search tree java

Posted: m@verick Date of post: 06.07.2017

Deleting a node from a Binary Search Tree is very complicated because: The resulting tree after the deletion must also be a Binary Search Tree.

method delete node binary search tree java

The deletion node has no subtree i. This case is pretty easy to handle we chort-circuit the BST at the deletion node see example below.

method delete node binary search tree java

This case is very tough to handle Delete the leaf node by making the link variable in the parent node equal to null Note: Depending on whether the deletion node is the left child or the right child , you must update the left or the right in the parent node! Delete the node 3 in the following BST: Delete the node 18 in the following BST: If the delete node is the root node Removing the last node will result in an EMPTY tree!

Delete the node by short-circuiting the BST at the deletion node I. Delete the node 5 in the following BST: If the root node has only one subtree:

method delete node binary search tree java
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