To make money with hubpages

Posted: iplanet Date of post: 01.07.2017

Many people writing different things. But I and I'm sure that many other people would like to know the potential of hubpages. Having said that, over that time I've probably only written for a total of three months, as it's not close to my online writing priority, as I make my big money elsewhere.

Another factor is I use Hubpages to do a lot of experimenting for things I want to learn about for other blogs or websites of mine.

I mean to encourage you by that, as anyone that's willing to be flexible in their writing and write things people want to know about or are interested in, should do very well on Hubpages. So many people gripe here that they don't get traffic, but say they aren't going to change anything about the way or topics they write about. They will always struggle no matter what platform they write for, or if they write on their own blog or website. Forget about trying to be Hemingway, a A-lister or rabble rouser, if you want to make money.

Once you get some traffic and generate some revenue, then you can do some of thing writing you want to do for your personal pleasure, or whatever other reason. To make money though, stick with what people are interested in or need answers to. That will result in significant revenue if you stick with it over time. I write mostly on here for pleasure.

I'm quite new to hubpages, but I do know internet marketing principles and a few techniques. Writing a hub or any article or blog post is just one step.

Make Money Writing on HubPages | hubpages

Promoting your writing is a huge part of getting traffic as well as keyword research. Finding what people are searching for a lot with low competition is a big part, but promoting it also helps to get traffic as well as search engine rankings. However, as for hubpages, I write what I know about and love pretty much. I know this is 2 months late But I really need to know, how many hubs have you published?

It seems you make quite a great deal of income. I want a solid figure, so I can motivate myself in getting myself to at least a fraction of what you are. Well I apologize for grave digging, however this matter is the utmost importance to me. If so, could you provide me an answer?

to make money with hubpages

We are not permitted to discuss our earnings, so you are not likely to get very much information anymore. Years ago, the site published success stories that showed 'average' earnings of a few Hubbers, but that information changed dramatically. Overall, the site doesn't permit discussing those things. This is good, because it protects Hubbers who do well from being mimicked by those who simply want quick money.

That's an impossible question to answer, because as others have said Hubs vary in how much money they make. The thing is, no matter how much keyword research you do, the science is imprecise: That means you may have to write Hubs to produce 20 that earn well. Or you may create the "right " 20 Hubs first. There's no way to know. This is right on, and some experimenting reveals it to be true. That information would be unlikely to be helpful to you, since we don't get paid by the hub.

We get paid by traffic. So someone could have written only one hub and made a lot of money, while someone else could have written a lot of hubs and still not make payout every month or even every year. I tried to tell someone that, but they said something like "sez-who? I couldn't find it in the learning center. Rochelle - I don't know exactly where it's located, but maybe one of the others here can cite it. It's my understanding that we can't discuss specifics related to ad revenues, etc.

I think that rumor started with the fact that you can't share what you earn per click from Adsense. I have never seen an actual rule that you can't share your earnings. If I'm wrong, please let me know and where Hubpages states it. It is definitely a rule, I've seen it referred to many times on the forums, including by staff. In the TOU, about half-way through it, under Payment, last paragraph says: You'll notice that refers to payments or balance, not earnings per Hub - but it's not clear what "sub-components" mean.

You probably recall that we used to discuss our earnings all the time - the only thing we weren't allowed to discuss were precise details about Adsense. The rule about not discussing earnings is one of those that was "snuck in" without being announced, so I'm not sure when it was introduced -- I became aware of it when staff started referring to it in the forums.

It's not got much to do with numbers of hubs. There are hubbers that get many thousands of views per day. Most hubbers don't get anywhere near that kind of traffic though. To know the potential of hubpages, click the link posted by relache above. Hmm, if my CPM was that low I doubt I would continue. CPM will vary based on material. Until recently mine was double that. It depends on how many hubs you have, the traffic that you get, and the programs that you use. I don't use eBay on Hubpages, but I'm sure I could make a few extra bucks each month if I did.

Adsense on this site is brutal, I've barely earned a dollar from them. I'm going to start writing again and see what happens. I am new to hubpages and quite excited to know this that people are making a lot of money here It depends what Wall Street feels like dishing out for that specific day and consumer market.

At least that's how I look at it.

How to Make Money with HubPages - Make Money Online

You can write a lot of hubs and get a million readers or a million different IP addresses to click on the ads in your articles and it still won't matter. At least that's what I've experienced. This likely popped up in the helpful list at the bottom of forum threads that has 'related' discussions.

Some are much older than two years. The information in them is outdated - especially anything related to revenue. There's another old thread that got bumped and people on the thread were advising people to bold-face keywords in their articles, which I'm pretty sure is a no-no these days. Funny thing is, one guy in the thread prophetically said that the bold-facing thing would get abused soon too.

Realistically, there are far easier ways to earn money quickly, but if you're prepared to stick around for the steady trickle that keeps coming long after the hubs are written, then yes, it's worth it. As Susana S stated, one popular hub can earn much more than of them which no one cares to read. If you'd like to see how many hubs MakinBacon has, simply go back to his her? I haven't seen this hubber active in the forums in quite some time You could also try sending him an email through the fanmail link on his profile.

I have moved my hubs.

I left 2 remaining to see what would happen to earnings, and then left one hub. I had 70 hubs but the one hub was the one I learned from process of elimination, was the money maker as far as HP Earnings program goes. People, namely new hubbers, have posted that they just made first payout, and have had only 10 hubs.

There is simply no way of knowing. The one hub that was my money hub, also had the most traffic. No sales from that one which was not my intentions when I wrote it to begin with even though I had a couple of products on it. I don't mind showing my cards, that hub was a Military hub about Marine Boot Camp.

I have not written anymore military hubs because I had no desire to do so. Feb is Black History Month, lots of ideas there. I did a few articles a few months ahead and published them rather than wait until the holiday was here. It took 3 years for me to make my first payout, then suddenly I was getting a payout every month or two and making sales.

You simply never know what will work, or when things will suddenly take off like a rocket. You acknowledge and agree that You will not publicly disclose Your payments or Earned Balance including any subcomponents thereof from the HubPages Earnings Program without prior written consent of HubPages.

Now I know that I can't do that. I haven't for a long while since someone on the forums mentioned that you can't.

to make money with hubpages

Confidentiality You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without our prior written consent. Notwithstanding this Section 9, you may accurately disclose the amount of Google's gross payments resulting from your use of the Services. It takes time to make money on HP, especially with Adsense, Amazon and ebay products. And that's if you've been here for six months or so. I've been here for around four months, and still have ways to go.

I make a little bit of money each day. It had helped a little in the long run. Okay I don't get why people ask how many hubs they've made. I'll repeat it again: Yes, you'll notice on old threads four or five years old that we are all disclosing our earnings left, right and centre - when things were going well, HubPages was happy for us to brag how much we were making, and the HubPages' own blog had several posts featuring the highest-earning Hubbers and their earnings.

After the bottom fell out of earnings after Panda in , suddenly it became against the rules to discuss how much we earned. Thanks for the explanation. I was puzzled when I became a member during the great squidoo transfer last year as I was sure I'd read threads within the HubPages Forum at some point in the past as to earnings.

to make money with hubpages

I couldn't reconcile my memory with the rules - but you have supplied the answer re the disconnect! I am talking about best and worst scenarios.

I have been through many posts on the forum and other places. So is that true for Well, it seems to me that my traffic is never going to increase. I am lucky to get one hit a week now, and the only traffic I am getting is from google. I know that being away for a while doesn't help much, but none of my Basically, I mean that us hubbers put countless hours of work into writing one quality hub after another which in turn increases hubpages revenue, which allows them to enjoy the fruits of its writers dedication and Just gaging anyone else's earnings here.

I just checked google adsense and I have earned 64 dollars in 18 months. I've only written 19 Hubs and most of them don't get any traffic. I seem to have come to HP just before all the changes. I've read whole books, not only the ones I review, but for material for my hubs. I think what I write is Am I losing money from my writing here on Hubpages? Although my hubs have been badly hit by another Panda or a Penguin update and the earnings from my Hubs are at their lowest in a few years, I cannot say in all honesty Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.

HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. Whose that cool person 9th one down? Not two months late This is an old thread. Actually, this thread is three years old. Start a new thread on it so people can give answers that relate to how things are now. I'm not looking for specific income. I"m looking for X number of hubs made.

That sounds like a statement of income to me. I've always wanted more specifics. I'm guessing CPM is a sub-component. I make enough for it to be worth sticking around. HP used to brag about how much money their high earners made. They don't do that anymore. Help for New Hubbers. Making Money on HubPages.

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