How much money can you make with a lunch truck

Posted: miki Date of post: 30.05.2017

Posted by Financial Samurai 62 Comments. Always watch what people DO with their money, and not what they say. If they are just making ends meet, why is there a nice car in their driveway? We sometimes like to think other people are struggling to make ourselves feel better. Some people had to start over in their 60s due to the financial crisis. This post is about discovering one more. Given the skepticism, I like to look at real life anecdotes and report back my findings.

Perhaps not everything will be OK as I hypothesized, but the idea of demonstrating a tremendous work ethic, aggressive savings, and risk taking is no longer the only option to gain wealth. Our parents are another great option so treat them well! Jabir, the poorest richest person I know made the introduction. Leroy came to my house early one afternoon because he said his union negotiated a new deal with the city.

His hours are now 7: Always curious, I asked him how much he made a year. I agreed and asked him about other work he does given he has so much free time.

Some of my colleagues are making much more since they went straight to trade school after high school and have so much more saved up. Working for the government at all levels for an extended period of time is definitely a great way to get wealthy.

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Why do you think some of the richest neighborhoods in the country are around Washington DC? Take a drive around Great Falls, VA one day and be amazed. Student loan debt has now surpassed credit card debt. There are plenty of stories of successful entrepreneurs who never graduated from college, but make millions.

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Sam also sends out a private quarterly newsletter with information on where he's investing his money and more sensitive information. August 8, at 4: I expect the situation in the US is very similar to that in the UK: As a result, the real trade skills like electricians and plumbers become so under supplied that they are able to pick and choose their own hours for their own price.

Our train drivers here frequently make more than an I. August 8, at The issue is with grade schools. They prepare you for college. You take college readiness tests. Nobody ever talks about how much more you can earn than average doing something with your hands. August 10, at 7: The good thing about the UK though is that university is so cheap! August 10, at Louise Good Financial Choices says. August 11, at 1: And people never take into account the hours as well, as the difference in billing overtime vs being expected to do a 80 hour week can really make a difference to the expected hourly rate.

Yeah, but when there was a housing crisis and building was not happening, these people were not working. I know a union bricklayer that was laid off when no one was building. I am in Chicago.

I know that is why some conventions do not come to Chicago due to the cost of electricians, etc. It costs too much to set up booths. The downturn affected many different sectors, so I would consider your example as not unique.

People in finance, consulting, law, real estate, hospitality etc were getting laid off left and right. August 10, at 3: I read recently that US federal employment is down by something like K over the past four or five years. Local government across the country are down something like 1 million over the same period. August 8, at 5: I have a friend who is an electrician as well a good profession to know a guy in.

Then my head starts to hurt and I stop thinking so much haha. I think we need to all befriend an electrician, plumber, builder, handyman, and automechanic!

They provide a good service and I applaud them for doing something worthwhile for society. It would be nice to fix everything myself with skill and confidence for safety. August 8, at 6: In the Canadian oil patch blue collar jobs can be very lucrative. My company, a major pipeline co, has many welders, electricians, inspectors, clerks, etc that work on the field billing us as contractors.

And they have to work in the middle of nowhere for weeks on end. There was a great article I read a while ago about why we need to stop pressuring kids to go to college and why more of them should be skilled laborers.

Either way, these jobs need more visibility. There are so many good opportunities out there for sure. Maybe with college tuition so egregiously high now, more people will become tradesmen, and prices for their services might go down for the good of the consumer.

The high costs of higher education are making it much smarter to go into a trade instead in many cases. August 8, at 7: I think trade school is a great way tonget started in life. Not only can you make good money without student debt, but it is a great way to become an entrepreneur.

Many tradesman start their own companies an then higher other workers. Then they can make great money without constantly working. August 8, at 9: Unions like to show their members the value of the whole package the employer pays. JC, see my other post. In addition, the union IBEW guys that I know in So Cal go to double time at 8 hours, not 1. July 15, at But, they package may add up to 82 an hour. They have a 35 hour work week and get paid for 40 hours. One big boost is that when they work weekends: The First Million is the Hardest says.

I have a friend who is an electrician and one who is a plumber, both union. Electricians do seem to be on select input value jquery top of the heap as far as those jobs go too, according to the people ive talked to.

I work at a contracting commodity futures trading commission function that does heavy highway construction.

We work with Operating Engineers, Laborers, and Teamsters. Most of our staff only work months a year, and have a great pension and health insurance that the company pays for as part of the contract. Many of them will make twice what I do in a year, and then on top of that claim unemployment during the winter.

I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it sucks that guys are coming out of high school, with zero training, and making so much more than me.

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Family income at 73k. So the electrician really is making god money. August 10, at 8: The pension really is the massive cherry on top. Then they have equity, which has an unknown value. But getting a MS in EE is not easy. Definitely some of the smartest people around.

I know I would never be able to get one, get in, or graduate. Engineers make a LOT thinking we rarely do OT if you know where to look and great hours etc. August 10, at 6: Getting my first salary established at this rate will forever set me for life. I can still transition to WS after I have experience.

Also, going to NYC that larger amount gets taxed higher higher bracket and lose more total dollars and I have to spend more to live plus work 80 hr weeks. If I build investment income, I pay lower tax rates on the capital gains. So can you buy penny stocks on fidelity I factor in extra work, losing years of my life due to stress from that, and how much I lose in take home pay.

Check out this post: I am a professional engineer working in So Cal. I happen to be working with one of the local utility companies. I can confirm that the guys that I cross paths with that are Union Journeyman Electricians working both for the utility and for the contractors that do business with them, are making that pay.

In addition, there are opportunities for overtime, etc. In the case of the IBEW guys that I know, their union contract indicates that they go to double time after 8 hours, not 1. That being said, the guys and gals that I deal with are, in general, professionals and earn what they make. The union folks have 4 or 5? I am sure there are folks that are qualified that are not making that much. With any profession, in addition to being technically qualified, you also in most cases need to know people and get people to like you.

It is not just what you know anymore. It is who you know and what they think about you that counts. August 8, at 1: All of our field workers are union.


Almost all of them will claim unemployment during the off season as well. And so long as they stay in the union, a great pension with healthcare is pretty much a guarantee. On the other hand, our guys are doing hard, dangerous work.

They work long hours in all how to buy irish bank shares of weather.

Do I want to do that type of work? I kinda like my desk job, with my set schedule and vacation pay! August 16, at There is no sitting in construction!! Electrician is an excellent profession and I highly recommend this field for young folks whom prefer to work with their hands. Overtime is very common. I suppose if you add up all the benefits: August 17, at August 8, at 8: Jobs in trades such as electrician and plumbers are good jobs and society needs them.

I know few people who are electricians. How much money can you make with a lunch truck is probably some truth to what you say. Leroy also said he was a millionaire once, but he lost it due to poor decisions. He also got a divorce.

Bayview is rocking now. August 9, at 9: The electricians union i Los Angeles is looking for people, but most students cannot pass the math test. Those who can want to be engineers. Not bad for a year old and no student debt. The problem is academics. It is not the old mechanic stereotype! But you are right.

Leroy said something like 6, applied recently and less than 1, were accepted to be a union electrician in SF. August 9, at This post resonates very strongly with me.

I graduated 2nd in my class in high school and went to an elite small liberal arts college. I now have a very comfortable paying job in the finance and accounting department for a large mutual fund complex. Yes they work 3 days away from home but for them its a welcome rest from their kids and families. Congrats on your wife! August 9, at 8: Sam, so the Bayview is finally turning stock market jobs in uae How much better is in in comparison to a decade ago?

I am 24 binary options traderush scam years old and have worked in local government finance for a total of 20 years.

I have a BS Computer Science, MBA, and MS all from very reputable universities. I am an expert in my field. I work in a mid-size metro area in the southeast forex currency trading a city of 80K population.

My employer employs full-time workers. My employer offers, but does not contribute toward, a b plan. My ultimate boss is the City Manager. The income spread really widens the more senior you get. August 11, at In addition to making a very paypal conversion rate dollar to euro salary, those who go to trade school do not incur the massive student loan debt that those who go to university accumulate.

Their school tuition is much more reasonable and since many programs get them certified in two vs. And the employee is in the workforce sooner, putting them ahead of the four year university student, at least in terms of seniority, and possibly even total lifetime earnings.

Justin Root of Good says. No wonder governments have a hard time balancing their budgets. By age 19 or so, valuation of bonus shares held as stock in trade can be out earning and saving money with a useful skill.

Especially if you start your own business. I encountered a little call options csco this mismatch in what you think people earn while working as a construction engineer.

You should see the payroll for Bay Area workers. Pages and pages etrade options tutorial multiple six figure salaries.

But many are doctors and lawyers, but who also have huge questions. August 11, at 3: This was the friend among our group of friends who was never the most academically skilled. He literally almost failed high school. He went on to apprentice as an electrician and now, among my friends in our age cohort mid to late 20s he is making the most money. September 22, at 4: My one saving grace is that as long as I outlive my 70 year old father I am going to inherit 3 million tax-free.

Smartest Woman on the Internet says. July 23, at 3: Most of my school friends went on to university and finished with high levels of debt, only some went on to get good careers afterwards, some not.

I trained as an electrician, then went on to start my own business, i still only work on my own, but all my work is within 10 miles of my house, i wake up at 7 am, and back at home around 4pm. I cant help but smile a little when i read things like this article, i live below my means, my mortgage is nearly paid at 35 and i have a growing pension and investment portfolio.

January 17, at Most guys keep working because their pension barely covers what their healthcare costs would be. Premiums on a 55yr old ex construction worker are understandably pretty high. If you put in 30 years I can almost guarantee that your hands, knees and especially shoulders are shot.

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Possibly one of the most dangerous jobs. If things go bad as a plumber, you get wet. If things go bad at an office job, you get chewed out by your boss. February 19, at 2: As a tradesman here is some piece of advice.

I was always good with math and science and planned to become a general practitioner but became uninterested in college during my senior year of college ironic huh. He only has a G. When I was a senior he was a freshman and he dropped out.

how much money can you make with a lunch truck

Jobs like plumbing, bricklayers, diesel mechanics, ironworkers, carpenters will be in high demand once construction really starts to pock up and baby boombers finaly decide is time to retire. Jobs like welder, electrician and pipefitter I would advice against since those jobs most people would be OK doing them. I mean the jobs that are the hardest and dirtiest either or will be safe from competition.

If more people start going into the trades the ones I listed will be the most oversaturated since they are seen as cleaner and with good pay. For example to me being an electrician seems boring and sometimes dangerous, welding can burn you and you inhale fumes same as pipefitter but these will still be the favorites for people.

If say you want to become an electrician I would advise instead to become an electrical lineman since they make much more than regular electricians. By driving I mostly mean trucks since they are in short supply. My neighbor owns a boat and a diesel truck and works as a truck driver. Drivers are in high demand and earn a great pay which many should take advantage of before driving is automated in the next years.

Right now the heatlhcare sector is booming and there is a shortage of al workers especially nurses. Engineers are also in extremely high demand.

April 13, at I meant to say that I lost interest in college during my senior year of high school not college. February 12, at 4: This only applies in areas where there is a union deal like SF.

Where I live electricians earn like 60k… just an average job. Registered nurses in So Cal are unionized with Kaiser and earn k but in the rest of the country earn 60k. February 13, at 5: Check out the post: Abolish Welfare Mentality to see the proof. Your email address will not be published. Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting.

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My take is that when you are young and have the energy, to try and make as much as you can. Sam, Electrician is an excellent profession and I highly recommend this field for young folks whom prefer to work with their hands. My electrician says plumbers make more than him. Very true, there is a bigger shortage of skilled plumbers than electricians. But of course it is a dangerous job.

But for most of us, working for the government seems like a great way to go. I cant help but smile a little when i read things like this article, i live below my means, my mortgage is nearly paid at 35 and i have a growing pension and investment portfolio In the UK plumbers and heating engineers earn similiar amounts, probably more in some cases The best kept secret amoungst skilled tradesmen!!!

A few things got left out that are worth noting. Basically, there is no free lunch. Where do you live? Trackbacks Are Your Short-Term Actions Ruining Your Long-Term Wealth? February 8, at 8: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. All comments are sent to moderation and approved within 10 minutes. Get exclusive updates in the Financial Samurai Newsletter. Most Commented Posts How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make? Why It's So Hard For High Income Earners To Escape The Rat Race Disadvantages Of The ROTH IRA: Not All Is What It Seems We're Ignorant Idiots!

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