Livestock sector brief india fao

Posted: BeeUz Date of post: 10.06.2017

Thematic profiles and systems. Reports and statistical data. FAO Projects in the country. Technical Cooperation Programme TCP Symbol. Strengthening the agro-climatic information system to improve the agricultural drought monitoring and early warning system in Vietnam NEWSpilot study in the Ninh Thuan province.

Building greater societal resilience to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events, particularly droughts. Policy-based support to agriculture production in line with new rural development, sustainable poverty reduction and Zero Hunger Initiative of Vietnam. Reduced poverty and improved livelihoods and nutrition intake for disadvantaged farmers.

Agriculture-based livelihoods of 3 drought affected poor farming households in Central Highlands, Central and Mekong Delta region are restored. The resilience of 2 farming households impacted by Storm Mirinae in Nam Dinh Province is strengthened. The project aims to characterize the status, spread potential and impact on the livelihood due to the infestation of cassava seed-borne plant diseases inparticular cassava mosaic virus CMVand to support the policy preparedness of the National Plant Protection Organization to address these emerging phytosanitary threats to the cassava industry in Vietnam.

The project aims to generate policy support and investment for massive deployment of agroforestry in Vietnam, to help deliver on the goals of the Green Growth Strategy, National Climate Change Action Plan, Intended Nationally Determined Commitments INDCs and the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs.

In addition, it will contribute to improve regulations, policy and coordination of solutions for climate change, disaster risk reduction, natural resource management, environmental protection and land use Solution No.

Specific project objectives are to: Development of a livestock policy analysis and monitoring system in Vietnam. To build relevant agencies within and outside MARD to design, implement,and upscale effective livestock policy analysis and monitoring system contributing to improved policy choicesbased on thorough assessment of social, economic, health and environmental implications of alternative policy choices, programs and projects.

To strengthen food safety in Vietnam through a strengthened functioning of MARD to oversee the food safety for the 9 groups of products. Improving Hatchery and Parent flock Management Practices in Viet Nam.

Improve the quality of small and medium scale chicken hatcheries and parent flocks in selected province in the North of Viet Nam contributing to better production and economics. Risk Mitigation and Management of Human Health Threats Along Animal Value Chain.

Livestock production: recent trends, future prospects | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

The purpose of this project is to collect longitudinal data and information along value chains at the livestock-wildlife-human interface that improves inter-sectoral collaboration and minimizes impacts of diseases to animals and people. This project will contribute significantly to mitigating and managing the impacts of zoonotic health threats in Viet Nam.

UN Support to the National Target Programme on the New Rural Development NTP-NRD. Strengthening Vietnamese SPS Capacities for Trade - Improving safety and quality of fresh vegetables through the value chain approach.

The ultimate objective of the project is to enhance the SPS capacity of the vegetable sector in Viet Nam and to help the country capture market opportunities for fresh vegetables both on the domestic and international markets and by implication to increase food security.

Agriculture in India - Wikipedia

FAO has a comparative advantage with food security projects since achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts. Development of a NAMA in Viet Nam for Integrated Food-Energy Systems.

The goal of this project is to support? This project will contribute outcome that the national capacity will be developed to enable the adoption of NAMA from agricultural production practices based on IFES, with a focus on integrated crop-livestock systems and renewable energy options.

On impact level, the project outcomes may positively influence in reducing fossil fuel based energy and fertilizer use in the lowlands of Viet Nam, while, at the same time, sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and improving the resilience of smallholder farming systems to climate change and variability.

This project will contribute following outputs: Capacity building with One Health component, addressing food value chain and safety issues in connection with the zoonetic disease control. Creating Enabling Environments for Nutrition-Sensitive Food and Agriculture to Address Malnutrition.

livestock sector brief india fao

The project aims at reviewing national policy framework and fostering enabling policy environment for production diversification and dietary diversity, especially tapping the potential of highly nutritious and climate-sensitive underutilized crops to address malnutrition in selected countries.

Promote scaling-up of innovative rice-fish farming and climate resilient Tilapia pond culture practices for blue growth in Asia. Addressing the Agenda on climate change and food security through Climate-Smart Agriculture. Building Statistical Capacity for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals related to Food Security.

Regional Initiative Blue Growth - Pilot application of aquaculture planning and management tools for sustainable growth in selected Southeast Asian countries. The proposed regional TCP is also a planned regional activity to contribute indicators for binary options profitable strategy named the sandwich the Regional Initiative on Sustainable Intensification of Aquaculture for Blue Growth in Asia and the Pacific.

Promoting Forest Landscape Restoration FLR in Selected Southeast Asian Countries. Counterparts have the knowledge and skills to restore degraded forestlands in the project countries using landscape approach through the adoption of FLR in national forest restoration strategies.

Strengthening the e-Agriculture environment and developing ICT-mediated agricultural solutions for countries in Asia-Pacific. This project will address those challenges by adopting a holistic approach that focuses on working with governments to not only develop their national e-Agriculture Strategies but also to support them in implementing some of the high priority ICT for Agriculture interventions already identified in the strategy that hold the most promising potential impact for improved agriculture outcomes in areas such as researcher-farmer-extension agricultural communication, inclusive financial services, market prices access, etc.

Building policy capacity towards sustainable livestock sector development. To strengtheing livestock sector policy analysis, design and negotiation capacity in ASEAN member countries representing a range of livestock production systems.

Strengthening highest option volume stocks Capacity of SAARC in the Development, Co-ordination and Monitoring of a Regional Food Security and Nutrition Framework, Strategies and Programmes.

Effective development of regional food and nutrition security frameworks and their delivery mechanisms asahi glass company diversification strategy case study a strengthened SAARC. Regional Initiative for Zero Hunger Challenge: Promoting an Integrated Home Garden and School Garden Approach for food and nutrition security in selected Southeast Asian Countries.

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The proposed project will adopt an integrated, multistakeholder and holistic? School gardens and nutrition education will be integrated mechanics trade forex the school curricula so it becomes an integral part of the teaching and learning process.

School-community links to promote shared responsibility between government and communities will be strengthened. Home gardens will help improving the diets of households and nutrition education will contribute to family nutrition.

livestock sector brief india fao

Small-Scale Farmer Inclusion in Organic Agriculture Development through Participatory Guarantee Systems PGS. A regional project for Small-Scale Farmer Inclusion in Organic Agriculture Value Chains through Participatory Guarantee Systems would aim at assisting selected countries where local organic markets are developing and where a PGS would allow more small farmers to benefit from these emerging high value markets.

Strengthening Forest Tenure for Sustaining Livelihoods and Generating Income. Improving livelihoods make money as a mentalist income of forest dependent communities is important in the context of poverty reduction efforts, enhancing food security and sustainable management of forest resources.

In order to achieve improved livelihoods and income for those people one of the main barrier is lack of strong and secured tenure. Their access to forest resources and land are not adequately protected by policies, policy implementation and law. There two main elements that explain the situation: Where policy frameworks exist they often not implemented adequately due to various reasons, e.

Countries often lack knowledge and skills to support the process of strengthening forest tenure. New tools and approaches need to be introduced and institutionalized to cope with rapid changes and changing demands of simple option pricing calculator black scholes on forests.

The main purpose foreign exchange market ppt slides the TCP is therefore to strengthened regulatory frameworks and institutional capacity of pilot countries on forest tenure. In the long run forest dependent communities in pilot countries are expected to have more secured and stronger forest tenure rights as a key prerequisite livestock sector brief india fao ensuring the contribution of forests to their livelihoods and income.

FMM support to SO 4 - OO MTP - Strengthening capacities, policies and national action plans on aquatic AMR. Improving capacities of phytosanitary inspection and integrated measures for international scotiabank money market account of seeds.

This will be achieved through providing technical and stock market calls and puts manuals, organizing field and laboratory trainings and workshops and developing recommendations to be used by the respective NPPOs, in implementation of phytosanitary activities for international movement of seeds.

In addition, the promotion of changes in the consciousness of general public and related private sectors through this project will contribute to preventing introduction and spread of pests associated with the international movement of seeds.

Also, the project achievements and findings can be useful reference for the member consultations on the draft ISPM on seeds, which has been elaborated in the IPPC framework, and will contribute to the harmonization of relevant phytosanitary measures. Addressing Antimicrobial Usage in Asia's Livestock Production Industry. To promote a more prudent antimicrobial usage within the Asian livestock production industry leading to a reduction in antimicrobial resistance.

Immediate technical assistance to strengthen emergency preparedness for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza HPAI Regional Activities. The project aims at reducing the spread of H5N1 in poultry in the country, thus minimizing the risk of contagion to other mammals and humans and the possibility of a pandemic. Special Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific Region Trust Fund. Cooperation in Plant Protection by member countries in the Region. Biennial sessions of Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission APPPC Mandatory contributions paid by contributing contracting governments as per articles II, III, IV, XIV to the APPPC agreement.

Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in South-West Asia. Support for Capacity Building for International Food Safety Standard Development and Implementation in ASEAN Countries. The overall goal of the project is to protect the health of the consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade within ASEAN countries as well as with other countries including Japan. The project also aims to establish a stronger relationship between ASEAN countries and the donor, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.

Development of effective and inclusive food value chains in ASEAN Member States. The project will contribute to the food and livelihood security of smallholders, by integrating them into agricultural value chains dairy, fishery and vegetable that link them to new market opportunities. Implementation of Global and Regional Oceanic Fisheries Conventions and Related Instruments in the Pacific Small Island Developing States SIDS FSP.

To support Pacific SIDS in meeting their obligations to implement and effectively enforce global, regional and sub-regional arrangements for the conservation and management of transboundary oceanic fisheries thereby increasing sustainable benefits derived from these fisheries. Pacific POPs Release Reduction through Improved Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes FSP. The Objective of the project is to reduce priority unintentionally produced POPs uPOPs emissions arising from poor waste management practices, thus meeting parties?

Convention obligations to improve the management of chemicals in countries in the Pacific region, through assistance in the development and implementation of uPOPs strategies and guidelines, vocational training of waste workers, training of PIC staff in improved chemicals management, and the development of a regional waste oil export and reuse system.

Regional Capacity Development for Regional Cooperation on Food Security through Control of TADs in South Asia. The project objective is to strengthen the capacity within SAARC to support regional coordination for the control of TADs.

This will be achieved through strengthening the Regional Support Unit, Regional Epidemiology Centre and Regional Diagnostic Laboratories. These structures will enable the SAARC member countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to address common issues related to TADs that are predominantly spread by informal cross-border value chains in livestock products.

Practices | Climate-Smart Agriculture Guide

Sustaining and enhancing the Momentum for Innovation and Learning around the System of Rice Intensification SRI in the Lower Mekong River Basin. Promotion of rural development through development of Geographical indications at regional level in Asia. To increase incomes of smallholder farmers through the development of GI value chains, improved market access and increased recognition of GI by consumers. Asian Regional Component- Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics.

The Asian Regional Componente directly addresses the three pillars forming the foundation of the Global Strategy: Establishing a minimum set of core data that countries will disseminate on a regular basis to meet current and emerging demands; 2.

Integrating agriculture into national statistical systems in order to meet the requirements of policy makers and other data users that statistical information be linked across the economic, social, and environmental domains ; 3. Fostering the sustainability of the agricultural statistical systems through governance and statistical capacity building.

Forestry and Protected Area Management in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and Niue FSP. To conserve biodiversity in Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu and Niue by expanding and consolidating their networks of PAs, building capacity for conservation management and sustainable use of biodiversity and reducing forest and land degradation. To improve health and reduce environmental risk through capacity building for the proper management, and sustainable use, of agricultural and industrial chemicals.

Its geographical focus is on the Greater Mekong Subregion. The project will provide additional staff time in carrying out activities relating to activities in the implementation of the World Food Summit commitments, the Plan of Action and its Rome Declaration which explicitly made references to the importance of polices. Contact us Terms and Conditions Scam Alert Report fraud Employment Procurement Governing Bodies Office of the Inspector General Evaluation Legal and Ethics Office.

FAO Departments and Offices.

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