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Jessica Vaughan Discusses Trump Admin Court Case. Jessica Vaughan Discusses Recent ICE Arrests. Mark Krikorian Discusses DACA Program. Download this Backgrounder as a pdf. Mortensen, PhD, is a retired career U. Foreign Service Officer and former Society for Human Resource Management senior executive. This Backgrounder examines illegal immigration-related document fraud and identity theft that is committed primarily for the purpose of employment.

It debunks three common misconceptions: It discusses how some community leaders rationalize these crimes, contributing to a deterioration of the respect for laws in our nation, and presents a variety of remedies, including more widespread electronic verification of work status E-Verify and the Social Security Number Verification Service and immigrant outreach programs to explain the ramifications and risks of document fraud and identity theft.

When Jean Pierre from Montreal crosses the border into the United States illegally, he lacks the documents to obtain employment and other benefits that legal residents of the United States are entitled to. When Maggie from Dublin and Raj from India overstay their tourist visas in order to work in the United States, they find themselves in the same situation.

Because it is virtually impossible to live and work in the United States without documents, they and millions of others turn to fraudulent document dealers for falsified Social Security cards, forged drivers licenses, counterfeit green cards, and a wide range of other phony documents. Instead, illegal aliens commit SSN- only identity theft by obtaining fraudulent Social Security cards in their own names, often with random numbers made up by dealers.

However, since about half of all SSNs have been issued, there is a chance that the SSN already belongs to another person. Illegal aliens who commit document fraud, use SSNs that do not belong to them, and falsify I-9 forms under penalty of perjury clearly are not ordinary law-abiding residents.

They may be arrested and prosecuted for felony document fraud and perjury and in, certain states, they may be prosecuted for felony identity theft or felony identity fraud.

So, while simply living in the country without authorization is usually a civil offense, a large number of illegal aliens rapidly take the next step and commit serious felonies in order to obtain jobs and other benefits reserved for American citizens and legal residents.

They may get a job using your Social Security number. Therefore, the use of an SSN belonging to someone else, whether knowingly or unknowing, is clearly identity theft according to these definitions.

In addition, the victims of illegal alien SSN identity theft suffer clear and extremely serious harm. At the state level, Utah faced the problem of defense attorneys claiming that their illegal alien clients should get off because they were not knowingly using the SSNs of Utah children.

The Relationship Between Identity Theft and Illegal Immigration. Even the Federal Trade Commission, which is the lead agency for reporting identity theft, only captures a small number of actual identity theft cases. But we know that illegal aliens routinely use fraudulent SSNs belonging to American citizens and legal residents. In a report to Congress, the General Accounting Office stated: For example, an immigration raid at an Agriprocessors, Inc.

So its no surprise that Table 1 shows that states with the highest percentage illegal aliens in their total populations tend to have the highest incidence of overall identity theft, including significant levels of employment-related identity theft. Of the 10 states with the highest incidence of identity theft, eight are among the 10 states where illegal aliens account for the largest percentages of total population. The two remaining top identity theft states are ranked 13 and 17 in terms of percentage of illegal aliens.

In15 percent of all identity theft in the United States was employment-related, up from 14 percent in In Arizona, where substantive illegal immigration-related legislation was passed and where employment verification is now required, employment-related identity theft dropped significantly, from 39 to 33 percent of all identity theft cases. In Colorado, employment-related identity theft increased from 17 to 22 percent between and In New Mexico, the increase was from 19 to 23 percent; in Texas, from 24 to 27 percent; and in California, from 17 to 20 percent.

ICE Efforts Are Improving. ICE is the lead agency addressing immigration-related document fraud and identity theft. Inthe agency established the Document and Benefits Fraud Task Forces DBFTFwhich are now in place in 17 ICE field offices. Their mission is to investigate and dismantle criminal organizations that make, sell, and distribute identity documents to circumvent immigration laws or for any other criminal purpose and to seize their equipment and assets.

For example, ICE agents in Denver, assisted by other field offices and federal agencies, took down the notorious Castorena family organization.

The family ran a massive nationwide network of fake document rings, producing papers such as green cards, Social Security cards, drivers licenses, and other types of documents. Their franchises reached all 50 states. The work of the DBFTFs intersects with other agency work, including counter-terrorism investigations and worksite operations.

While ICE has recently been able to increase its efforts in this area, the agency has limited resources that are stretched across multiple priorities. Further, the DBFTFs must focus their efforts on dismantling large criminal enterprises. They do not have the resources or personnel to investigate every individual alien identity thief.

As with other kinds of criminal activity, it is up to state and local law enforcement agencies to identify and address what is happening in their jurisdiction, and be the prosecutors of first resort.

Illegal alien-driven identity theft is not a victimless crime. It impacts millions of Americans of all ages. Newborn infants and children often are the victims of illegal alien identity thieves. IRS agents, law enforcement officials, people with disabilities, the unemployed, and even those serving time in jail have been victimized by illegal aliens using their SSNs in order to obtain jobs and other benefits. According to the Wall Street JournalAmerican citizens with Hispanic surnames are 1.

Following the Swift meat packing raids, Department of Homeland Secretary, Michael Chertoff told reporters that:. Anybody who has ever been a victim of identity theft understands the hardship, and, in fact, the persistent hardship, that follows from this kind of crime, and the hardship that is felt by innocent people. Now, this is not only a case about illegal immigration, which is bad enough. These individuals suffered very real consequences in their lives. These were not victimless crimes.

Thus, when illegal aliens use SSNs or other documents belonging to American citizens and legal residents, the damage can be substantial. Victims may be denied jobs, unemployment insurance, Social Security payments, and Medicaid benefits. It costs victims hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to undo the damage and recover their names and lives. In addition, all Americans are impacted by the fallout from illegal alien-driven document fraud and identity theft.

Rather than spending their earnings in the United States and helping fuel the consumer-driven American economy, illegal workers minimize their expenditures in the United States so they can send billions of dollars back to their home countries.

During a recessionary period, this transfer makes it all the more difficult to turn the economy around. When the economy hits hard times and Americans and legal residents lose their jobs, illegal aliens can continue to work using their stolen identities and fraudulent documents.

If an illegal alien who is laid off uses his fraudulent documents to obtain unemployment benefits, this drives up the cost of unemployment insurance. Children Are Prime Targets. Sometimes document vendors sell fraudulent identity packages using unassigned SSNs that are later assigned to a child, causing them problems before they are even born.

The result of this is that in Arizona, child identity theft is nearly four times the national rate and an estimated 1. State and local investigators in Utah uncovered a crime spree involving illegal aliens using the SSNs of tens of thousands of children. They identified 1, companies paying wages to the SSNs of children on public assistance under the age of Victims included a five-year-old girl who supposedly traveled 80 miles to her job at a steak restaurant, an eight-year-old boy who apparently owned a cleaning company and worked as a prep cook at two upscale restaurants, and an year-old boy who supposedly worked for an express air freight company.

The suspects were charged with third degree felony counts of identity fraud and forgery. Employment-related identity theft is the largest single driver 27 percent of identity theft in the state of Texas. Almostpeople became victims of identity theft in Texas in As reported in the May 3,Salt Lake Tribune:.

Identity Theft Victims Suffer Real Consequences. Victims of identity theft suffer real consequences. The victims of workers at the Swift packing plants included an individual in Texas whose personal information was being used by an illegal alien for employment. The victim was pulled over and arrested because the illegal alien had used his identity to conduct criminal activity.

Based on information developed by Workforce Services, Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff warned the public about the devastating impact that illegal alien identity theft has on children when he said:. Identity thieves are no respecters of age. Children are vulnerable even if parents do everything right.

In Illinois, an American citizen was denied a job at a Target store because one of 37 people who were using her SSN was already employed by the company.

All those imitators made a mess out of her work history, her Social Security records, and her credit report.

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She was haunted by bills and creditors. She received threatening letters from the IRS, asking her to pay taxes on money earned by imposters. He continued to receive demands for the payment of outstanding taxes on income that he had not earned and he saw his credit rating destroyed.

These stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Millions of Americans either knowingly or unknowingly are sharing their SSNs with illegal aliens and are having their lives slowly usurped by the identity thieves. Even those American citizens or legal residents whose identities are not stolen by an illegal alien still suffer the consequences of rampant document fraud and identity theft.

One of the key elements of a free and democratic society is respect for the rule of law by both the government and individuals. CPI scores range between 10 highly clean and 0 highly corrupt. The average score for the 10 countries that account for the vast majority of illegal aliens in the United States is 3. In contrast, the least corrupt countries in the world are Denmark, New Zealand, and Sweden, with scores of 9. Canada, which has 67, illegal aliens in the United States, comes in at 8.

It is where temptation meets permissiveness that corruption takes root on a wide scale. Those sworn to uphold the law also contribute to the permissiveness that leads to corruption and a weakening of the rule of law. When a human trafficking bill was being debated in the Utah House of Representatives, an attorney and former judge amended the bill to allow farmers to transport illegal aliens up to miles without being charged with trafficking.

This culture of corruption is reinforced when illegal aliens are offered special benefits such as in-state tuition, drivers licenses, financial services, and religious offices and privileges in spite of their multiple, ongoing violations of civil and criminal law.

The increasing acceptance of corruption has a debilitating effect on the overall respect for the rule of law with the result that illegal aliens become involved in a wide range of other criminal activities including tax fraud; mortgage fraud; violation of drivers license, insurance, and traffic laws; and gang membership. Illegal aliens and their employers are frequently involved in tax fraud. This results in lower revenues for governments at all levels and higher taxes for American citizens and legal residents.

Many illegal aliens use a combination of Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers ITIN and fraudulent SSNs to obtain tax refunds that they are not entitled to. For example, in Weld County, Colo. In spite of this, the IRS has distributed about 15 million ITINs sincewith a large share believed to be assigned to illegal aliens.

In the Queens center, Ana Andrade, 32, from Mexico…. Like more than seven million such W-2 forms nationwide, hers bore a false Social Security number. No problem, the senior tax specialist explained. Her return would be filed under her ITIN, with the problematic W-2 form, and the IRS would simply credit her wages to her ITIN.

Some banks and credit unions facilitate money transfers to foreign countries by illegal aliens. They design financial products specifically for illegal aliens, including credit cards.

The FHA insurance fund lost millions of dollars. Illegal aliens working with stolen identities and fraudulent documents transfer billions of dollars to foreign nations that would otherwise have been spent and invested in the United States.

During a time of recession, illegal aliens using fraudulent documents may continue to be employed while American citizens and legal residents doing many of the same jobs are let go. When this occurs, the illegal aliens are, in fact, doing jobs that Americans are more than willing to do. In addition, the illegal aliens continue to transfer a significant portion of their earnings out of the country rather spending them in the United States in order to help the economy recover from recession.

According to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center, the unemployment rate for native-born Hispanics was 9. The rate for immigrant Hispanics, when adjusted for individuals dropping out of the workforce, was 7.

Wage losses for native-born Hispanics were actually larger than those for foreign-born Latinos. From the third quarter to the third quarteremployment of Latinos in the construction industry declined by 5. Long-term trends show that the differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic participation in the labor force remained relatively stable. Thus, while recent statistics show that unemployment rates have grown among immigrants, 37 it does not appear that illegal immigrant workers, who are predominantly Hispanic, are being disproportionately laid off and, in fact, it looks as if many illegal aliens continue to work after American citizens doing the same type of work are terminated.

When governments take action to stimulate the American economy through huge public works and other taxpayer funded programs, it is imperative that the jobs created go to American the stock market crash of 1929 a review article and legal residents, not to illegal aliens.

This requires strict employment verification requirements for businesses or other entities receiving these funds in order to preclude the employment of illegal aliens and to ensure that the stimulus money is put back into the American economy rather than being transferred out of the United States to foreign countries.

Congress declined to impose such a requirement on the federal stimulus bill, but since it appears much of the funding will be distributed in state block grants, states will have the ability to establish requirements for employment verification to ensure legal hiring.

Rather than using mass transit because they are ineligible for drivers licenses or automobile insurance, many illegal aliens break the law by driving without licenses or with fraudulent licenses. In addition, studies suggest that Hispanic illegal aliens may have an exceptionally high rate of alcohol-related automobile accidents and fatalities. A handful of states give in to illegal aliens who threaten to drive without licenses work from home jobs oracle dba insurance and issue drivers licenses or driving privilege cards rather than enforcing existing laws.

Gangs are considered the single most important public binäre optionen handelssignale threat today — a recent federal assessment said gangs how to hedge currency risk with options responsible for 80 percent of crime in some communities.

Once in the United States, immigrant gang members rarely make a living as gangsters. They typically work by day in construction, auto repair, farming, landscaping, and other low-skill occupations where employers are less vigilant about checking status, often using false documents.

Both of these practices facilitate gang activity. Justifying and Facilitating Illegal Alien Identity Theft. When forced to acknowledge that illegal aliens are committing felonies, these elites often rationalize the criminal acts and offer support to those committing the crimes rather than supporting the rule of law.

They rarely, if ever, acknowledge the victims. They criticize those who enforce the laws and resolutely oppose efforts to protect American citizens and legal residents from illegal alien-driven document fraud and identity theft. For example, inwhen asked about illegal alien driven identity theft, former United States Representative Icici bank forex rates india Cannon R-Utah replied: Inthe IRS got 7.

More than half were from California, Texas, Florida, and Illinois, states with large immigrant populations, leading experts to believe they likely represent the wages of illegal immigrants.

Even immigrants who use ITINs to file taxes are forced to make up a Social Security number when they get a job. Illegal aliens, who are used to operating in the often more corrupt systems of their home countries, do what is necessary to get the documents required to work in the United States. By excusing criminal behavior and turning lawbreakers into victims, advocates for illegal aliens encourage corruption and subvert the rule of law.

Informer Rep. Following a raid at the Agriprocessors, Inc. The editorial encouraged Americans to keep things in perspective pointing out that there are only about seven million illegal immigrants in the workforce 5 percent of the total.

The Journal then asked if this seven million people using fraudulent documents and, in many cases, the stolen identities of American citizens is a big enough problem to justify requiring employers to verify the trading range bound stocks of the persons they are hiring. During a Congressional hearing on the arrests of hundreds of illegal aliens for identity theft, Democrats focused on the impact that the arrests had on the perpetrators, their families, and the community.

No mention was made of the victims. This permissiveness, corruption, and disregard for the rule of law has reached such a level that when a legal resident from Honduras who had her identity stolen by an illegal alien contacted 50 senators, 30 government departments, and two governors none of them were willing to help her. The victim continued to receive notices for back taxes on income that she had not earned from the IRS and collection agencies hounded her day and night for unpaid medical, furniture, and cell phone bills.

Ultimately, she had to hire a private detective who found the identity thief and finally forced the police to take action. Chamber of Commerce, the Society for Human Resource Management SHRMthe Associated Builders and Contractors, the American Council on International Personnel, and the HR Policy Association all actively oppose employment verification even how much money stolen is a felony in california it offers significant benefits to both their members and their clients.

For example, the use of E-Verify protects employers and especially HR personnel from criminal charges and fines should it be determined that a company has hired illegal aliens. Furthermore, as noted above, it could prevent nearly stock trading fees fidelity of the job-related SSN-only identity theft and child identity theft. In Arizona and Oklahoma, Chambers of Commerce also took legal action against employment verification legislation.

Employers also sued the Department of Homeland Security to stop the issuance of Social Security mismatch letters, which would stop illegal aliens from using SSNs that belong to American citizens and legal residents. The Social Security Administration turns a blind eye to illegal misuse of SSNs. How much money stolen is a felony in california does not notify American citizens and legal residents when someone else uses their SSN nor does it inform law enforcement authorities.

It does not remove a SSN that it has not issued from its database once that number begins to be used for fraudulent purposes. It would, however, issue that number to a new-born child, thereby giving the infant an instant credit history, possibly even an arrest record, and liability for any unpaid income taxes.

In follow binary traders of the fact that a majority of these come from stock market movement chart historical with large illegal alien populations and high rates of identity theft, the IRS allows even this obvious illegal activity to go largely unchallenged.

Like the IRS and Social Security Administration, the major credit reporting bureaus fail to support the rule of law and protect citizens and legal residents from SSN-only identity theft. Ten states currently offer in-state tuition to illegal aliens who graduate from their high schools. When the beneficiaries of these programs are profiled in the press, some openly talk about their jobs and how hard they work to earn money to pay their tuition and living expenses.

However, since the students are illegally in the United States and undocumented, the only way they could have gotten jobs with reputable employers was to commit two and possibly three felonies — document fraud, perjury on an I-9 form, and possibly identity theft.

In when Utah legislators proposed a compromise bill that would have allowed students illegally in the United States to continue to be eligible for in-state tuition if the students would agree to refrain from working illegally, the University of Utah objected to the compromise.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints called on legislators enforex madrid alberto aguilera show compassion for illegal aliens and the Alliance for Unity, which is made up of the religious, political, business, and civic elite of Utah, issued a statement calling for in-state tuition to remain is the stock market a barometer of the economy. Throughout the debate on in-state tuition, religious, political, business, government, education, and civic leaders opposing the no-work requirements consistently sent the message that it is acceptable to break the law in order to earn money to pay for a college education.

Those supporting the students further turned a blind eye to the fact that students illegally in the United States. A comprehensive approach is required if the Fiscalité stock options 2016 belgique States is to control illegal alien document fraud and identity theft.

First, immediate steps must be taken to stop both ongoing and new cases of illegal alien document fraud and identity theft.

Then fundamental reform of the United States immigration laws must be undertaken. The recent ruling by the U. Supreme Court that allows illegal aliens to use the identities of American citizens and legal residents as long as they do not knowingly do so makes employment verification all the more important since the vast majority of illegal alien, job-related document how much money optometrist make and identity theft could be stopped immediately if employers would money mental maths ks2 verify the identities name, date of birth, and SSN of all new hires and current employees.

It returns results in seconds and is used by overemployers. The IMAGE program allows employers to verify the accuracy of I-9 forms submitted australian stock broking license all current employees and to ensure that they are doing everything possible to avoid employing illegal aliens.

Although E-Verify was set up as a voluntary program, a growing number of governmental entities have either mandated its use or have provided incentives for employers to use it.

At the federal level, former-president Bush issued Executive Order in Junethough implementation has been repeatedly delayed by the Obama administration.

Fourteen states have imposed some form of employment verification requirements on employers. In the majority of states this has been done through legislation. In other states, it has been done by executive order.

In South Carolina, state grantees are required to use E-Verify. Employers forex trading lectures Tennessee can have their business licenses suspended or terminated if they knowingly hire an illegal alien; however, employers who use E-Verify are protected from sanctions should they inadvertently hire an illegal alien. Illinois passed legislation prohibiting employers from using E-Verify or any other verification program until federal government databases were able to meet stringent guidelines.

At the local level, elected officials in Mission Viejo, Calif. An ordinance passed by the city of Valley Park, Mo. Under the Long term graph of stock market Park ordinance, employers who use E-Verify cannot have their licenses suspended if they were using E-Verify prior to the incident leading to the threatened suspension.

District Court and he 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. At the county level, Washington County, Utah, requires its forex trading time correspondence to certify that they do not knowingly hire illegal aliens and it sponsors a program that formally recognizes employers that voluntarily use E-Verify.

Table 3 provides a list and short description of the actions taken by federal and state governments through the end of The benefits of implementing employment verification programs extend beyond stopping illegal alien-driven document fraud and identity theft. Employment verification also prevents American citizens and legal residents 60 second binary options strategies signals free demo account using fraudulent documents and stolen identities to obtain employment.

For instance, pedophiles are no longer able to readily use fraudulent documents and identities in order to get jobs that provide them access to children. When employers use E-Verify to confirm employment eligibility and identities of new hires, verify SSNs, and conduct I-9 audits, the only alternative left for illegal aliens and others involved in criminal acts is to steal the total identities of American citizens and legal residents.

Total identity theft is significantly more difficult, especially on a large scale, than SSN-only identity theft. An individual has to obtain and use the exact full name, the exact date of birth, and the corresponding SSN of an actual person of the same gender. In addition, the person whose identity is stolen must be roughly the same age and the name should be appropriate for the person adopting it.

It would, therefore, be difficult for a year-old man to take the identity of a year-old man, for example. Because the birth date of the stolen identity has to be entered on the I-9, the human resource person 15 minutes binary options trading system the I-9 if they are not complicit in the illegal hiring should notice the discrepancy and refuse to enter the information into the E-Verify system.

The Department of Homeland Security recognizes that E-Verify as currently constituted is not automatically able to detect total identity theft, although it has set up a monitoring unit to analyze queries with this goal.

And, in order to address this problem, E-Verity is being upgraded to include photos. This will make total identity theft even more difficult than it already is. Many employers already routinely conduct drug testing, run credit checks, verify education records, confirm past employment histories, check the police records of new hires, and garnish wages for taxes or for child support. Verifying employment or responding to Social Security mismatch letters is not all that different from these forms of due diligence.

In fact, employment verification, either through E-Verify or through other government or commercial employment verification systems, provides clear and specific benefits to both employers and to American citizens who are victims of document fraud and identity theft.

The benefits that come from using E-Verify or a similar employment verification program include:. State and local authorities should examine existing state laws on document fraud and identity theft to determine if they provide an option to address illegal employment problems.

Some jurisdictions have found good options at the state level, and they provide an effective alternative that is cost-effective and independent of federal prosecutorial or enforcement capacity. In jurisdictions that have launched such programs, communities report experiencing an outflow of illegal aliens, regardless of whether the illegal aliens prosecuted for fraud and theft are actually removed by ICE.

One such successful program was developed by a group of sheriffs in the Florida Panhandle. The perpetrators included both illegal aliens and U. After many frustrating months spent trying to work with the regional ICE office to try to address the problem, they researched Florida statutes and found two sections that were appropriate:.

If the monetary value of any violation of this subsection:. Acting on tips from members of the communities, officers launched investigations at four businesses and their subcontractors. The task force also received requests for inspections from many businesses seeking confirmation that they employ a legal workforce. Twenty-seven individuals were arrested and jailed. Within three months of the first inspections, communities in the Panhandle region began to report that noticeable numbers of illegal immigrants and their families were leaving the area.

As a result of the inspections, businesses become better informed of their responsibilities to review documents. These results are achieved without agencies having to conduct large numbers of inspections or make large numbers of arrests. Similar programs in other locations have achieved comparable results. In addition to a robust employment verification program, governments, businesses, and charitable, educational, religious, and civic organizations should undertake a comprehensive outreach program to emphasize the rule of law to illegal aliens and that document fraud and identity theft are not acceptable in the United States.

Messaging should make it clear that document fraud and forgery, signing an I-9 under penalty of perjury, and identity theft are serious crimes that have real victims and consequences. These crimes can result in incarceration, deportation, and eliminate the possibility of ever attaining legal status. Community leaders also should assist the American citizens and legal residents who are the victims of these crimes.

The families of illegal aliens committing these crimes should receive the same level of sympathy and assistance that would be accorded to the family of an American who has fallen on hard times, committed a crime, and is then arrested and jailed. In addition to employment verification, employers should be required to take appropriate action on all Social Security mismatch letters, as proposed by the Bush administration, 76 thereby sending the message that hiring individuals using fraudulent documents and stolen identities is not acceptable and will not be condoned.

The Obama administration is still reviewing this rule, pending the outcome of a lawsuit filed by a group of organizations opposed to immigration law enforcement. This measure is important, because other electronic verification programs cover only new hires or benefits applicants, while the no-match letters cover all current employees.

When document fraud and identity theft are discovered, appropriate charges should be brought and following the resolution of the case, the illegal alien should be deported. ICE provides local law enforcement agencies an opportunity to team with them to combat specific challenges in their communities, including the use of fraudulent documents and identity theft. The Law Enforcement Support Center LESC provides timely, accurate information and assistance to federal, state, and local law enforcement, corrections, and court system communities on immigration status and identity information on aliens suspected, arrested, or convicted of criminal activity.

Electronic access to LESC records is available through the Immigration Alien Query screen on the International Justice and Public Safety Network. In addition, ICE offers local law enforcement agencies advanced training in documents and immigration status screening through its g delegation of authority program. Alabama and Georgia have used this training to prevent the issuance of drivers licenses to illegal aliens or others using fraudulent immigration documents, and officers in South Carolina and Florida use the program to address job-related identity fraud.

Condensed versions of this training without the delegation of authority are available in the private sector. Congress should pass legislation requiring the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration to report all misuse of SSNs to appropriate law enforcement authorities including the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, the IRS and Social Security Administration should use the authority they already have to go after individuals who are misusing SSNs.

Legislation should require that any fines or fees paid by illegal aliens who have committed identity theft be put into a fund that can be accessed by victims of illegal-alien identity theft in order to help offset the financial costs and the time spent recovering their identities. Furthermore, Congress should pass legislation that requires the federal government and private entities to notify individuals when someone else is using their identity.

A nation flourishes when people respect the rule of law and abhor corruption in all its forms. As demonstrated by the current financial crisis, corruption can be devastating for millions of people. Under the rule of law, when people disagree with a law, they work to change it while upholding it until such time as it is amended, abolished, or totally rewritten.

Leaders and citizens must individually and collectively take action to protect Americans and legal residents against illegal immigration-driven document fraud and identity theft. All employers must verify the employment eligibility and identities of new hires and existing employees. Illegal aliens must understand that the corruption of their home countries will not be tolerated in the United States and that document fraud, perjury on I-9 forms, and identity theft to obtain jobs is not acceptable.

They must also understand that individuals committing these crimes will be held accountable. Any eventual immigration reform must recognize and compensate the victims of illegal-alien-driven identity theft while denying amnesty from these crimes to illegal aliens, regardless of whether they have previously been convicted of these crimes or not. Finally, any immigration reform has to end the corruption associated with illegal immigration. Prevelance and Links to Alien Illegal ActivitiesJune 25,GAOThttp: Many Workers Facing Criminal ChargesApril 16,http: Data Book for JanuaryDecemberFebruaryhttp: Consumers Could Be Warned, but U.

That compares with 2. As of February only four states continue to issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens Hawaii, Washington, Maryland, and New Mexico and one state issues a driving privilege card Utah. Burgeoning Gangs Behind 80 Precent of U. Vaughan and John D. They typically use the acquired identities to elude E-Verify and get a job Fiscal Year Objectives, June 30,http: E-Verify is free and voluntary and is the best means available for determining employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security numbers.

For more information, see Department of Homeland Security, www. ICE provides training and education to IMAGE partners on proper hiring procedures, fraudulent document detection, and anti-discrimination laws. ICE also shares data with employers on the latest illegal schemes used to circumvent legal hiring processes.

Furthermore, ICE reviews the hiring and employment practices of IMAGE partners and works collaboratively with them to correct isolated, minor compliance issues that are detected. An IMAGE participant can better protect the integrity of its workforce by helping ensure that employees are who they represent themselves to be. There were warrants for his arrest in several states for child sex offenses and he previously had been convicted in for a sex offense against a child.

Deseret NewsJune 30,http: Citizenship and Immigration Services website: To help prevent this problem, the E-Verify program introduced a photo screening capability, which is still under development, into the verification process last September We are also working to expand the types of documents for which the E-Verify system will allow photo confirmation.

Human resource departments were also implicated in knowingly hiring illegal aliens at the Swift and Agriprocessor plants. At Swift, an HR employee was charged with harboring an illegal alien and failure to report a crime. At Agriprocessors, an HR employee was distributing fake green cards to illegal aliens. At Agriprocessors, mid-level managers also face charges. This type of circumstance underscores the importance of why ICE is advocating participation in E-Verify for all employers.

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Download this Backgrounder as a pdf Ronald W. Experts suggest that approximately 75 percent of working-age illegal aliens use fraudulent Social Security cards to obtain employment.

Most 98 percent Social Security number SSN thieves use their own names with stolen numbers. The federal E-Verify program, now mandated in only 14 states, can detect this fraud. Universal, mandatory use of E-Verify would curb this and stop virtually percent of child identity theft.

Illegal immigration and high levels of identity theft go hand-in-hand. States with the most illegal immigration also have high levels of job-related identity theft.

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In Arizona, 33 percent or all identity theft is job-related as opposed to identity theft motivated simply by profit. In Texas it is 27 percent; in New Mexico, 23 percent; in Colorado, 22 percent; California, 20 percent; and in Nevada, 16 percent.

Eight of the 10 states with the highest percentage of illegal aliens in their total population are among the top 10 states in identity theft Arizona, California, Florida, Texas, Nevada, New York, Georgia, and Colorado.

Children are prime targets. In Arizona, it is estimated that over one million children are victims of identity theft. In Utah, 1, companies were found to be paying wages to the SSNs of children on public assistance under the age of These individuals suffer very real and very serious consequences in their lives. Illegal aliens commit felonies in order to get jobs. Tolerance of corruption erodes the rule of law. Allowing it to flourish here paves the way for additional criminal activity and increased corruption throughout society.

Leaders support perpetrators and ignore victims. No similar concern is expressed for the American men, women, and children whose lives are destroyed in the process.

The Social Security Administration and Internal Revenue Service facilitate illegal immigrant-driven identity theft. Both turn a blind eye to massive SSN fraud and take no action to stop it. The Social Security Administration assigns SSNs to new-born infants that are being used illegally. The IRS demands that victims pay taxes on wages earned by illegal aliens using their stolen SSNs, while taking no action to stop the identity theft.

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State and local governments need to adopt tougher laws to supplement federal efforts. The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE is targeting large document fraud rings and the most egregious employers, but their resources are limited and stretched across multiple priorities. Inidentity theft cases represented only 7 percent of the total ICE case load.

Employers must do their part. Misconceptions That Illegal Aliens Are Undocumented William Riley, Former ICE Agent, Explains Identity Theft: View the Full Interview. Illegal Immigration Wages, Jobs, and Poverty Costs of Immigration Supreme Court Decisions on Immigration Policy Employment Fraud Document Fraud Fraud and Immigration Social Security Fraud Driver's License Fraud Tax Fraud. Login Sign in using Facebook.

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